Industrial Analytics: How to Start, What Methods to Use, and Where to Apply Them -The September Digital Transformation Council Monthly Member Meeting

End Date
Event Location Online @11 AM ET
Event Type DTC Member Meeting
ARC Participation ARC Event

Industrial Analytics: How to start, what methods to use, and where to apply them

With industrial analytics serving as a key foundation for delivering on the promise of digital transformation, there seem to be as many new analytics methods for problem solving as there are challenges to apply them to. From gaining massive improvements in baseline operations to discovering and solving previously unknown but mission-critical problems, analytics are necessarily a core capability for companies to transform their businesses.

Yet, the confounding problem related to analytics still remains for many: with so many places to start applying analytics and so many techniques/options being sold as THE solution, where do you begin with industrial analytics so you solve those mission-critical problems, enable the analytics to scale across the organization, and sustain success over time?

Having helped scale and sustain industrial analytics across hundreds of sites, Mary Beth Seasholtz, Technology Principal, Data Services, at Dow will discuss how to select and apply the correct analytics methods (from univariate to machine learning) for various operational challenges;  and why a strong analytics foundation combined with exploratory analytics is the best route for maximizing the value of data.

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