dataPARC User Conference 2020

End Date
Event Location Virtual
Event Type Conference
ARC Participation ARC Will Speak
ARC Participants Craig Resnick

"How Can Modern OT/IT Infrastructure Help with Digital Transformation"
September 23, 11:10 AM ET

We have been hearing a lot about the convergence of operations technology and information technology (OT/IT).  This convergence been going on globally for several years as manufacturers realize that they cannot begin their digital transformation journey until this process occurs.  Connectivity between OT to IT is essential for any business to compete today with the increasing demand for tighter integration and more information that leverages data collection, IIoT, I4.0, cloud and edge storage, advanced analytics, visualization, AR, VR, AI, and machine learning technologies.  ARC Advisory Group Vice President Craig Resnick’s presentation will explore how manufacturers are using modern OT/IT infrastructures to help them address their key manufacturing operational challenges.  The presentation will focus on shifting market demands regarding data collection, storage, analytics and visualization, the focus on smart manufacturing, the new and changing workforce, how digital transformation is used to enable technologies, such as OT/IT Convergence, and how OT/IT infrastructure addresses manufacturing biggest challenges.