IP-based Access Control Systems Gaining Traction in Security Market

Technology Trends

Installing Access Control Systems? Evaluate Your Facility Security Needs First!

Recent terror attacks have increased the public concern over safety, which has in turn propelled the demand for physical security products such as access control system and video surveillance systems. One of the biggest challenges facing end users is the difficulty in properly evaluating their exposure to risk and accurately identifying and assessing the costs they would occur in the case of a catastrophic event. There is significant opportunity for suppliers that help these users gain a better understanding of their vulnerabilities and how much an attack would impact their bottom line.

Businesses Look for More than Just an Access Control System

A number of dynamics drive interest in new or upgraded physical security systems. With the market migrating toward a web-based services model, it is logical to build products that communicate on the IP infrastructure. Advanced physical security systems with IP-based monitoring and tracking devices allow you to take real-time metadata, process it with the help of advanced software, and provide actionable intelligence to concerned authorities.

Today, the access control industry stands at a crossroads. Most of the existing systems are basic analog-based electrical systems, and they still make up the majority of the installed base. However, according to reports, majority of the projects that are being designed and commissioned today utilize a digital architecture, IP-based communication, and web accessibility to increase the breadth and capabilities of these systems.

IP-based Access Control Systems Gaining Traction in Security Market
Access Control Systems Architecture

Going Wireless the New Normal …

Augmenting existing access control systems with wireless technology also offers a high-value proposition for both suppliers and customers. Whether used in new construction or retrofit, flexibility is a major benefit in adopting wireless technologies. Wireless components can be located, or relocated, throughout a building to optimize system performance and adapt to changing floor plans or threat scenarios. When considering potential wireless applications, however, most suppliers fall into the trap of only envisioning using wireless technologies in traditional applications. The real opportunity for wireless technologies is to implement them in new applications rarely employed in building controls today. One good example is to use wireless technologies’ remote location monitoring and sensing capabilities to offer maintenance personnel a new and more efficient way to monitor building equipment and locate failed equipment without the need for building diagrams. Wireless technologies also offer the ability for access control systems to automatically track employees as they move through a building, log events – such as which doors the subject went in or out, if certain events occur – and even adjust the building’s environment accordingly.

The new ARC report “Access Control Systems” reveals which access control technologies represent the largest share of the market and provides a detailed forecast on which regions will see the fastest growth.

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