Net Neutrality is necessary for innovation, competition and free entrepreneurship

Author photo: Valentijn de Leeuw
ByValentijn de Leeuw
Industry Trends
Recently, Andrus Ansip  Vice President of the European Commission and leading the project team "Digital Single Market" introduced Sir Tim Berners Lee as guest for his blog.  Sir Berners-Lee is Founding Director the World Wide Web foundation.

It is worth reading the blog. It straightforward and not long to read.

I would describe the essence of the article as follows:  net neutrality is the principle that each 'packet' of data must be treated equally by the network.  That implies that individuals, NGO's or global companies are treated alike. If this were not the case, we would hand enormous power to internet providers and service companies, and indirectly to authorities to discriminate positively or negatively, based on payment or other criteria.  Net neutrality has a positive impact on innovation, the emergence of start-ups, competition and lower prices, higher connectivity, benefitting citizens and companies.

To me the, the question seems to resemble the one of freedom of speech.  If some publications are censored, and law allows this, it opens the door to generalized censoring.  This will distort and filter the information otherwise freely available to society.  We don't need necessarily to agree with all publications, but we must ensure freedom of speech to guarantee access to all information, and the possibility to form our own opinions.

Similarly, it is necessary that countries and overarching organizations such as the EU create legislation to protect net neutrality, with the goal to ensure free entrepreneurship, and reduce discrimination.

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